Hay friends, Dengerin lagu yuks
Hehehehe ..
Hay friends, I Santa Mars
Nama asli ane Marsyanta
Welcome to my blog
I am Indonesian people
aye Ingin sekali jadi orang terkenal :D
Hopefully all useful
Thank you .

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Perbaikan cheat dari maincit pointblank

game, WH + Damage + Ammo + Anti kick + Hover + Smena + Ghost and other 
D3D Visual:
- Wallhack
- Mini Indo
- Chams CT
- Chams Tero
- No Smoke
- No fog
- CrossHair

Spesial ESP:
- boxes
- Names
- Clan
- Health
- Lines

Player Hack Simple:
- Fast Plant
- Fast Defuse
- GM Access + Damage 70% + HP 120
- Ammo Freze ( ON kan pas main, OFF kan selesai main)
- Speed Hack
- V Recoil Auto On
- H Recoil Auto On
- Akurasi 100% Auto On

Untuk pengguna win7:
1. Klik kanan di cheatnya > properties > set compatibility ke windows xp sp 2 atau windows server 2003 lalu run as administrator
2. Klik kanan Pb Launcher > run as administrator
3. Start PB
4. Enjoy

How to use for windows7 or vista:
1. Hit right the cheat => Properties => Set compatibility to Windows Xp SP2 or Windows server 2003 and then run as administrator
2. Hit right PB Launcher then run as administrator
3. Start Your PB Launcher and wait until Hackshild process is done!
4. Enjoy


jika cheat error, download jamu pendukung cheat dibawah ini:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Install)
- Vcredist x86 (Install)
- D3DX9_42.dll (Simpan di System32)
- D3DX9_43.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
- msvcr100.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
- msvcp100.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
- msvcr100d.dll (Simpan di System32)
- msvcp100d.dll (Simpan di System32)
- msvcr80.dll (Simpan di System32)

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